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Advertising Policy
Advertising Policy based on COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) for Tsabit Journal of Computer Science
Introduction Tsabit Journal of Computer Science is committed to maintaining high ethical standards in advertising practices. This policy outlines the guidelines for advertising in Tsabit, ensuring transparency, relevance, and integrity in all advertising content.
General Principles:
- Tsabit maintains editorial independence and ensures that advertising does not influence editorial decisions or compromise the integrity of published content.
- The acceptance of advertising in Tsabit does not imply endorsement or approval of the advertised products, services, or organizations.
Advertising Approval Process:
- All advertisements intended for publication in Tsabit are subject to review and approval by the editorial board.
- Tsabit reserves the right to reject or request modifications to any advertising material that is deemed inappropriate, misleading, or conflicts with the journal's editorial policies and values.
- The decision to accept or reject advertising is based on factors such as relevance to the journal's scope, the accuracy of claims, and the potential impact on readers' trust and perception.
Advertising Content and Disclosure:
- Advertisements should be clearly distinguishable from editorial content to avoid any confusion for readers.
- Advertisements must be factual, accurate, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
- Advertisements should not contain false, deceptive, or misleading information, including claims that cannot be substantiated.
- Any claims or statements made in advertisements should be supported by appropriate evidence or references.
- If an advertisement includes testimonials or endorsements, they must be genuine and based on the personal experience of the individuals involved.
- Advertisements promoting pharmaceuticals, medical devices, or treatments must comply with relevant ethical guidelines and regulatory requirements.
- Advertisements should not contain offensive, discriminatory, or inappropriate content.
Placement and Design:
- Advertisements should be placed in a manner that clearly distinguishes them from editorial content and avoids any implication of editorial endorsement.
- Tsabit reserves the right to determine the size, placement, and positioning of advertisements in the journal.
- Advertisements should not disrupt the reading experience or interfere with the accessibility of published articles.
Transparency and Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest:
- Tsabit requires transparency in advertising by disclosing any potential conflicts of interest, financial relationships, or sponsorships between the advertiser and the journal, its editors, or authors.
- Any potential conflicts of interest related to advertising should be disclosed to readers in a prominent and easily accessible manner.
Review and Complaints:
- Tsabit welcomes feedback and complaints regarding advertising content that may violate ethical standards or mislead readers.
- Complaints will be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken, which may include rejecting or removing the advertisement, issuing corrections or clarifications, or terminating the advertiser's relationship with Tsabit.
Policy Review This Advertising Policy will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure its continued relevance and compliance with ethical standards and best practices in scholarly publishing. Any updates or revisions to the policy will be communicated to the relevant stakeholders.
By adhering to this Advertising Policy, Tsabit aims to maintain transparency, integrity, and ethical standards in all advertising practices associated with the journal.